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March 28, 2024, 6:27 a.m. -  JT

Aftermarket bladders can be found on Amazon and Ali for not much coin. I replaced a pal's who was a bit overzealous with a dual syringe bleed and tore his in the process. At the same time we replaced his caliper pistons with aftermarket phenolic ones in lieu of the ceramic Shimano units. The brake was 3+ years old and pretty well neglected and those were looking rough. Brake is entering 8months of use post repair without issue, and plus/minus depending on your perspective, the lever bite point is quicker and has remained consistent, better than his stock front unit. That came at the expense of a decrease in pad gap, but nothing outrageous. Shimano needs to make their own replacement parts available. It really is a disservice to the owners and mechs not to have wear items easily available. Love the feel when they're working, but every brake should be serviceable before recyclable.

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