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March 28, 2024, 5:28 a.m. -  Dogboy

Great article with some nice details, but I don't understand the dislike of the funnel. I wish all brakes used one for their bleed process. You mention that Shimano doesn't recommend bleeding your brakes as described, but you don't mention why. It's my understanding that they don't want you pushing dirty mineral oil, with particulates, up through the delicate internals of the master cylinder. It's definitely more time consuming, but I do a gravity bleed to get clean oil from the lever down to the caliper. Another trick for getting pesky bubbles trapped in the master cylinder is to remove the lever from the bar, with the bleed funnel about a third full, and tilt the lever in all directions while squeezing the lever repeatedly. Anyhow, I don't mean to sound like I didn't enjoy the article because it is informative and well done. Cheers!

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