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Feb. 4, 2024, 7:09 p.m. -  Kenny

The reviews of that super cheap puller set are mixed at best, see coilers post further up as an example. Probably better than nothing and you could replace any that break with name brand ones I guess.. But, the wheels manufacturing ones are only 40 bucks each bought a-la-carte, if a person doesn't want to buy the set they could just buy the couple sizes their frame needs and expand as they get new frames. 8/10/12 and maybe 14 are really all you need though, pretty rare for linkage bearings bigger than that to be blind.  Also in cams situation rigging the puller to spread more is asking for trouble. Shim the OUTSIDE of the puller with aluminum tape. If you have a 10 and can't buy a 12 in a pinch, you only need to build up a 1mm thick layer to increase the OD 2mm.  The headset press is one item I'd actually contradict myself on.  A decent home mechanic doesn't need one in my opinion unless they're doing lots of tinkering with anglesets or something, for a couple reasons: 1\. Excluding people doing lots of angle sets, headset cups get pressed in once, not yearly.  2\. Bad headset presses are terrible and require as much focus to keep things straight as the "block of wood and a hammer" method.  All of my comments also assume you own a half decent bench mounted vise. 100% required for this type of work.

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