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Aug. 30, 2022, 11:47 p.m. -  Andrew

Oh this gets me excited. I ride really midfoot and wear 11-12 us shoes. Right now I’m loving the pedaling innovations, but have spent the last few years enjoying the chromag daggas and the deity tmacs and deftraps. I haven’t tried a convex pedal in forever, and won’t unless it’s at least a little longer fore-aft. I love trying new things, and haven’t tried a pedal that’s ‘perfect.’ The deity deftrap would be if it were ever so slightly longer. Chamfers limit the length on the PI catalyst for how long it appears. I shattered my tibia plateau 3 weeks ago and have a rapidly diminishing calf and quad. Im really curious how that will affect me 4 months from now when I am supposed to be better. Good article and considerations. You shift your COM forward, and I like that on longer and slacker bikes. Keep it up and I’m curious if you’ll change as you heal. Or heel haha. If you want to borrow some near new catalyst pedals, I can get them to you.

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