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June 14, 2021, 5:26 p.m. -  awesterner

T9 is a harsh chemical so make sure to wear gloves:) It’s also very toxic to our groundwater, so don’t dump out out people!  That being said, it’s a really durable lube. I’ve gone back and forth between T9 and SQUIRT for a few years and settled on the later as it’s water emulsified.  It’s somewhat messier (gums up a bit), but I’m getting mad distance out of my drivetrains akin to the performance I had with T9.  Fun fact, Triflow, like T9, is aviation approved. No idea what it’s used for, presumably for lubing cables or something:) there are a few bottles in our Chem cabinet.  Great read as usual Andrew, love it.  Oh, if you SQUIRT your chain, method \#2 8-)

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